Kategorie : Design thinking in the legal industry

Die nachfolgenden Beiträge haben die Kategorie Design thinking in the legal industry
Insights from a Legal Process Strategist
Jochen Deister | 2016-08-07 10:44:45
Michael Callier is an attorney with 13 years of experience in private and in-house practice. His time directing operations and providing legal counsel to a process improvement firm in China led to his experience in process improvement, project management, and change management. Michael works with internal and external clients to design and improve legal processes and to lead deployments of attorneys, process and technology for strategic initiatives. With a focus on systems, innovation and process performance effectiveness, Michael helps deliver legal solutions that reduce costs to clients, increase value, create deeper client satisfaction, and produce results. Lawyers on Fire met Michael after his speech at this year’s Legal Tech West Coast conference in San Francisco.
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